
Privacy Policy

Jungle Bee recognizes that your privacy and the protection of your personal information are important to you.
Please note that in return for entry into our promotions and agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy you are consenting to receive offers & promotions from us, Jungle Bee and from specifically selected third parties. To opt out of such communication, please contact: dataprotection@daily-promo.net
Jungle Bee takes your privacy seriously, taking every reasonable precaution to safeguard the personal information that you provide.

Jungle Bees fully with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

This statement discloses how Jungle Bee helps to protect your personal information.

Our Websites

This Privacy Policy applies to all data collected through this website

Collected Data
Jungle Bee collects stores and uses data about you and the answers that you provide to questions asked on the daily promo website in accordance with this privacy policy.

Given that Jungle Bee may disclose your personal information to third parties, Jungle Bee and its clients or sponsors may contact you with offers and information which they feel will be of interest to you through mail, telephone or email. You agree that we can use Your Details for an indefinite period or until you notify us or opt out from receiving Offers.

Sponsors of Jungle Bee have their own privacy policies and some have their own opt-in statements. It is strongly recommended that you read and understand this information each time you are contacted by a sponsor of Jungle Bee. If you do not wish to receive information from these parties, you will need to unsubscribe separately from each third party.

If you do not provide us with complete or accurate information, it may affect our ability to provide our services to you and may result in our failing or refusing to process any application or entry that you submit.

We may request information on behalf of our clients. These information request forms will clearly identify the identity and contact details of the organisation collecting the personal information and the information that you provide will be managed according to the privacy policy of that third party. In the event that you complete a web form hosted by us, we will only disclose the specific information provided by you to that third party.

The minimum amount of information required to enter a competition and claim a prize if you are a prize winner is as follows: First name, surname, date of birth, postal address, and phone number. You have the right to act with anonymity to enter competitions upon written request. If you are a winner of a prize you may be asked for permission for Jungle Bee to use your name on our website for promotional purposes only.

Registration Information

When you are registering on the daily promo website, it is not until you click the 'Submit' button that your information is transferred. You will only be able to click the 'Submit' button when you have provided all of the information requested. Once you have completed and submitted all your details you have then "completed" the registration confirming you are a valued subscriber to the daily promo website. Jungle Bee may use other reputable partners to provide its services in connection with the registration. However this will not affect your statutory rights under the Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.
Use of personal information

We use personal information collected via Daily Promo to:

    •    Provide you with information about the products and services we offer
    •    Provide you with a more personalised service
    •    Conduct market research
    •    Notify you of competitions and promotions
    •    Pass on to carefully selected companies for them to contact you and to provide you with other offers and promotions
    •    Help other companies profile and extend their databases
    •    Facilitate communication between yourself and others
General disclosure of personal information

Personally identifiable information

We share personally identifiable information with selected third-parties. We also share the information that you provide when you answer questionnaires. Various third parties sponsor the questionnaires and each time you answer one, we will share your responses with the third party that has sponsored that questionnaire. The clients and third parties use this to profile you; this enables them to send you targeted communications.
Once you register with daily promo you agree to have those details validated and consent to Jungle Bee, its clients and selected third parties being able to send you communications via email, post or telephone.
The collection of data by Jungle Bee through registration on third party sites may lead to your data also being held by that third party site.

The data that you provide to Jungle Bee via the daily promo website is held by both Jungle Bee and the sponsors of the questionnaires that you answer.

Except as otherwise outlined in this privacy policy, Jungle Bee holds your data in a central database and this database is only accessed by reference to interest or demographic categories in order to provide you with information about those interests you have selected. The process of supplying you with this information is at all times under the control of Jungle Bee although specialist third party suppliers may carry out the dispatch.

Security and storage of your personal information

Jungle Bee is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer systems with limited access, which are located in controlled facilities.

The Internet is not a 100% secure medium for communication and, accordingly, Jungle Bee cannot guarantee the security of any information you send to us via the daily promo website or by email. Jungle Bee is not responsible for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect or consequential, that you or others may suffer as a result of the loss of confidentiality of such information.

Sponsored Questionnaires and Co-branded sites

Every user must agree to the following statement before completing their vocuherr.net registration:
"By registering and entering your details you consent to Jungle Bee, its clients and third parties sending you information about products and/or services that have been selected based on your stated interests. You also agree to Jungle Bees Terms and Conditions, and to the terms of our Privacy Policy which governs how your information will be collected, used, kept secure and disclosed." At times it may be appropriate for Jungle Bee, its clients or sponsors to contact you with offers and information in respect of your interests or to inform you about subjects upon whom you have requested information through your mobile phone or other PDA devices."
You give your consent that Jungle Bee or any third party it provides data to may contact you by post or telephone. Where your telephone number is not provided, Jungle Bee or a third party may seek to obtain your telephone number from a third party source. You accept that a selected third party may contact you by phone with an offer of their own. For the purpose of the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth), when you register with the daily promo website, you are consenting to us, and anybody to whom we provide your personal information, contacting you by telephone despite the fact that you may have registered on the "Do Not Call Register". This consent will remain in place until you notify us that you wish to withdraw it. Please note that you will also need to separately notify any third parties that you withdraw your consent.

Your data may be provided to clients of Jungle Bee to be appended to information they already hold about you for the purpose of contacting you with information about their products and services. When first contacting you, these clients will seek your appropriate consent.

Jungle Bee may from time to time use third party suppliers to provide all or part of a service to you. Jungle Bee will only supply such of your personal information to these third party suppliers as is necessary to enable them to provide the relevant service to you. Unless otherwise stated, these suppliers do not have any right to use the Personal Information we provide to them beyond what is necessary for them to assist us.

You should be aware that such outside service providers might be based in countries outside Australia whose laws provide for a different standard of protection for your personal data than that provided under Australian law. In such circumstance Jungle Bee will have in place contractual arrangements with these service providers which will require your data to be processed at least to a standard compliant with the Privacy Act 1988.
Except as provided above, Jungle Bee will not provide your personal information to any third party without your prior consent; however, under certain circumstances the force of law may require the provision of information to the legal authorities. In order to maintain the integrity of its website and safeguard the interests of its subscribers Jungle Bee will comply with any such legally binding request.

Sponsors & Data Partners:

Kontiki Media LTD  71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden London - WC2H 9JQ

Transfer of Information Overseas

You should be aware that third parties including marketing partners and suppliers to whom your information may be disclosed might be based in countries outside Australia whose laws provide for a different standard of protection for your personal data than that provided under Australian law. In such circumstance Lerad portal will use best endeavours to have in place contractual arrangements with these service providers which will require your data to be processed at least to a standard compliant with the Privacy Act 1988.

Managing your personal information

You are entitled to see the information held about you and you may ask us to make any necessary changes to ensure that it is accurate, complete and kept up to date. If you wish to do this, please contact us.
Each user is personally responsible for maintaining the security of his or her account. A user should not share account information such as their user-name and password, and is responsible for keeping it confidential.
Jungle Bee does not collect health information or sensitive information, including race, religion, political, philosophical, sexual, origins, views or preferences.

Use of your responses

Jungle Bee collects data about you, including answers to specific questions asked by our sponsors. This information is used to assist Jungle Bee and third parties in sending you by, email, sms, voice, post or other appropriate means, communications about their products and services. Those industries may include:

    •    Telecommunications
    •    Marketing
    •    Health and Beauty
    •    Financial Products including but not limited to Loans, Bank Account and Credit Card offers
    •    Claims Management (including PPI, Personal Injury to include but not limited to Road Traffic Accidents, Medical Negligence, Holiday Sickness, Accident at Work)
    •    Competitions and Prizes
    •    Competitions and Prizes
    •    Travel
    •    Insurance
    •    Gambling
    •    Charities
    •    Retail & lifestyle
    •    Education
    •    Automotive
    •    Dating (including eHarmony and Match.com)
The information that Jungle Bee collects may be demographic (information about you, such as name, age and address) and lifestyle (information about your interests and purchasing habits).

You may receive commercial email messages sent by Third Parties for products which may be of interest to you. In these instances, an Advertiser's name will appear in the "From:" field and Replying to such email may send the message to that Advertiser. The "Subject:" line of the email messages will usually contain a line provided from the Advertiser. As such, if you wish to unsubscribe from any third party emails please follow the unsubscribe link that appears at the bottom of any emails they may send you.

A web bug is a small object that is embedded in a webpage or email and is usually invisible to the user. It contains unique identifying information specific to a particular user and allows us to check if a user has viewed a particular web page or email.

We do not currently use web bugs however we may do so in the future, for example to track emails and gain web analytics. If we start using Web bugs we will update this Privacy Policy and post it to the Website. Your continued use of the Website after such change in the Privacy Policy shall indicate your consent to our use of web bugs in accordance with the updated Privacy Policy.

Statistical information

In addition, we may collect information about you, including where available your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, preferences, interests and profile information.
We gather data on visitors to our Websites for statistical reasons. We do this in order to provide an efficient service which is reliable and helpful to use for all users.

If you deregister as a subscriber of the Daily Promo website, third parties to whom we have already provided your personal information may continue to contact you. If you no longer want to be contacted by third parties, you will need to separately unsubscribe from each third party service, or otherwise notify each third party individually that you no longer wish to be contacted by them.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Jungle Bee will occasionally update this privacy policy. When we do, we will also revise the "last updated" date at the top of this page.

Further Information
If you wish to make a complaint, request access to or correct any personal information that Jungle Bee holds, please contact Jungle Bee at the following email address: